A reservoir or tank for holding water, especially for catching and holding rainwater for later use.
Tanks do just more than harvest rain and store it for later use; they help with flood control by keeping water from rushing down the street into the storm drain. This saves energy for your community by not having plants pump it back to you to water your garden or landscape.
Plus, with a large enough tank and the right filters you can use rain water in the house for drinking water, or use it for laundry, or to water your trees and plants!
Plus, with a large enough tank and the right filters you can use rain water in the house for drinking water, or use it for laundry, or to water your trees and plants!
Example of a regenerative system
- Conserves water resources
- Reduces reliance on conventional water delivery systems
- Provides system for storm water management
- Allows user to distribute moisture manually as needed
- May collect and store harvested rainwater for later use
- Saves money on water bills by using previously saved water
An example of a water cistern installed by Clearwater Designs
Questions? Contact us today about setting up a water collection system!
Article used with permission from GrowWater.Org, with our thanks.